Hello, Andrey!
Monday, December 23, 2002, 1:38:43 PM, you wrote:

>>> And, in any case, what will you do with it without ``secret
>>> ingredient'' AR> from TI?
AR> So, where can I get _working_ proxy? Only prebuilded executables from 
AR> www.mikrocontroller.net?
  I don't know, really :(
AR> BTW, another question: if I write in gdb 'target msp430 com2', will it work 
AR> with _YOUR_ serialJTAG, or some other?
  MY? It's strange, because I'm not building serialJTAG and not
  writing it.

               Lev Serebryakov
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| E-Mail:  l...@serebryakov.spb.ru               |
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| Phone:   You know, if you have world nodelist |

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