On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 05:39:20PM +0000, nick clifton wrote:
>   Peter pointed out that he had already submitted the patch in a different
> PR, but it had been ignored. :-(  This time we were lucky.

Beta stages are for this, after all:D

I searched the bug db before submitting but I would *never* tought that
the other one was related...

By the way, the LTO issues were actually a bug in the sample programs (a
variable touched in an ISR which was not volatile... the textbook
example). Also adding __attribute__((used)) to the ISR correctly force
inclusion without having to modify the linker script, if someone is

On another topic, I think that both CCS and IAR compilers are doing LTO
(or at least selective linking) aggressively by default, since otherwise
memory would be filled with unused code --- Texas 'libraries' are simply
C files containing lots of related function (instead of the typical
one-function-for-o used in libc); for example the HAL_UCS.c with
a conventional link pulls in control primitive for *all* the oscillators
(even if you only use the FLL...).

At least the MSPware libs are of good quality, even if it seems they are
using particular C constructs to 'steer' their compiler into good code
(maybe is an impression of mine); comments are strangely helpful:P

I think this should be noticed in the mspgcc docs, to avoid surprises to
migrating users.

Lorenzo Marcantonio
Logos Srl

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