On 2014-09-23, Wylder Keane <wylder.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been using the new msp430-elf-g++ released on 2014-09-03 to build and
> debug, and while attempting to reduce the binary size I've added the
> following arguments for the compilation and linking phases (except
> gc-sections is linker only).
> -fdata-sections -ffunction-section -nodefaultlibs --gc-sections
> While greatly reducing the code space, it also seems to think main() isn't
> a root and optimizes it away... needless to say this isn't very good.

A would guess that the -nodefaultlibs option is preventing the
inclusion of the standard startup code, which is what normally calls
main().  That unresolved reference to main is what would normally
cause the linker to pull in main.

You can probably work around it by passing -u main to the linker, but
unless there is startup code calling main it won't really matter
whether it's linked in or not.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Should I do my BOBBIE
                                  at               VINTON medley?

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