No. Once you make it a Pull DP, it essentially becomes a sort of slaved client 
and uses BITS for the transfers.

DistMgr won’t move on to other packages until the PkgXferMgr reports back that 
the one it’s working on is done, so one very large package like this can tie 
everything up.

Here’s a paraphrase from Todd about how the Pull DP is supposed to work:

-          Pull content from source DP and do the processing of the content 

-          DistMgr creates a snapshot and calculates the HASH

-          PkgXferMgr sends a package info bundle (XML inside of .tar) to the 

-          PullDP opens the XML and gets a list of content from the DPLocation 

-          PullDP component on the DP checks to see how many of the files are 
already loaded

-          PullDP component passes list of files to DTS

-          DTS creates BITS download job

-          CCMEXEC gets the files form BITS download location and writes them 
to disk

-          SMSDPProv imports the content into the Content Library

-          PullDP creates status messages and sends to Site Server

However, you can end up encountering issues with large packages timing out, 
refreshes causing the already copied files to be deleted (meaning the whole 
thing starts over), and so on.

Among his (supported) recommendations were increasing the DistMgr thread limit, 
increasing the query interval and timeout values, and making sure you’re at 
R2CU3 (some of the issues have been fixed over the course of the last few CUs).

Hope that helps!


Phil Schwan | Technical Architect, Enterprise Windows Services
Microsoft VTSP (<>)
Project Leadership Associates | 2000 Town Center, Suite 1900, Southfield, MI 
Lync: 312.756.1626  Mobile: 419.262.5133<> 
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From: [] On 
Behalf Of Gilmanov, Nile
Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 5:16 PM
Subject: [mssms] RE: Distribution Bottleneck

Funny this is… After I turned it into a PULL DP, the Schedule tab disappeared… 
aint’ that great?

Guess have to reverse the changes, then back to PULL, unless there is still a 
hidden way.

Nile Gilmanov
Systems Administrator
Wabash National Corporation<> | 
Office: 765.772.2691 | Mobile: 765.414.7402

[] On Behalf Of Gilmanov, Nile
Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 5:11 PM
Subject: [mssms] RE: Distribution Bottleneck

Well… THANK YOU! I have been checking this thread every 15 minutes!

Going to put this to the test right now!

Nile Gilmanov
Systems Administrator
Wabash National Corporation<> | 
Office: 765.772.2691 | Mobile: 765.414.7402

[] On Behalf Of Magnus Tveten
Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 4:57 PM
Subject: [mssms] RE: Distribution Bottleneck

Hmmmm I seem to remember one time being told that if a DP (well this was in 
SCCM2007, so a secondary site) rate limit was not ever at 100% it would only do 
one package at the time ?

So if I’m correct (huge chance I’m not) then from 7 am to 6pm it woudl only do 
one pacakge at the time...
And we had ours at max of 90% so we always only had one package being processed 
at a time..

Insurance Australia Group Limited
Lvl 1, 23 Lakeside Drive, Burwood
Burwood East VIC 3151

T +61 3 8804 3226   M +61 411 010 460

[] On Behalf Of Gilmanov, Nile
Sent: Thursday, 4 December 2014 2:12 AM
Subject: [mssms] RE: Distribution Bottleneck

ConfigMgr 2012 R2 CU2 I believe per:

    Version    REG_SZ    7958
    Full Version    REG_SZ    5.00.7958.1000
    UI Version    REG_SZ    7958
    Phase    REG_DWORD    0x1c7
    ReplicationPhase    REG_DWORD    0x0
    Estimated Number of Clients    REG_DWORD    0x0
    Server Platforms    REG_DWORD    0x20
    User    REG_SZ
    Organization    REG_SZ
    Type    REG_DWORD    0x1
    ReplicationMode    REG_DWORD    0x0
    Installation Directory    REG_SZ    e:\Program Files\Microsoft 
Configuration Manager
    UI Installation Directory    REG_SZ    e:\Program Files\Microsoft 
Configuration Manager\AdminConsole
    Product ID    REG_SZ    NONEVAL
    Provider Location    REG_SZ    wnclafsccfg01.Wabashnational.lan
    InstalledSqlExpress    REG_DWORD    0x0
    External File Directory    REG_SZ    E:\UpgradetoR2\SetupDL
    Stop Setup Monitoring    REG_DWORD    0x1
    CULevel    REG_DWORD    0x2
    PrerequisiteDir    REG_SZ    E:\UpgradetoR2\SetupDL

IMO irrelevant but since I was there here is my SENDER Properties:

Max Concurr. Settings-----------------------
All sites:               5
Per site:               3
Retry settings---------
Number of retries:           2
Delay before retrying      1

Nile Gilmanov
Systems Administrator
Wabash National Corporation<> | 
Office: 765.772.2691 | Mobile: 765.414.7402

[] On Behalf Of Schwan, Phil
Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 9:56 AM
Subject: [mssms] RE: Distribution Bottleneck

Paging Mr. Todd Hemsell.  Mr. Hemsell, you have a telephone call. ☺

Nile, what version of ConfigMgr 2012 are you running (SP/CU/etc.)?


[] On Behalf Of Gilmanov, Nile
Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 9:35 AM
Subject: [mssms] Distribution Bottleneck

Was wondering if anyone here understands Distribution better than I as this is 
really frustrating:

Basically I keep running into the same issue, every time I send a large package 
out it seems to bottle-neck everything else, even little things get stuck 
waiting for this huge package to complete.

My environment is Primary Site, 3-4 DPs that get content directly from PRI, 2 
PULL DPs that pull from one of the former DPs.

WNCNLSCCMDP01 is a PULL DP, here its full status from the [Distribution Point 
Configuration Status] view in Monitoring:

        12/3/2014 8:52:00 AM    Distributing content    Distribution Manager 
instructed Package Transfer manager to send package "LF1001E7" to distribution 
    In Progress     LF1001E7
        12/2/2014 3:29:00 PM    Processing content on site server       
Distribution Manager successfully processed package "Workstations_PatchUp_2014" 
(package ID = LF1001FA).        In Progress     LF1001FA
        12/2/2014 8:05:00 AM    Distributing content    Distribution Manager 
instructed Package Transfer manager to send package "LF100167" to distribution 
    In Progress     LF100167
        12/3/2014 9:17:00 AM    Content is being distributed to the 
distribution point  Package Transfer Manager is currently sending software 
distribution package LF10021B to distribution point server 
WNCNLSCCMDP01.CM12ROCKS.LAN, 89 percent of the sending has already completed. 
In Progress     LF10021B
        12/3/2014 2:34:00 AM    Processing content on site server       
Distribution Manager successfully processed package "SCEP_Signatures" (package 
ID = LF1001F7).  In Progress     LF1001F7
        12/2/2014 6:48:00 AM    Distributing content    Distribution Manager 
instructed Package Transfer manager to send package "LF1002DB" to distribution 
    In Progress     LF1002DB

I can confirm that LF10021B (29 GB in size by the way) is still getting sent to 
the DP. Per its SMSDPROV.log:

[C74][Wed 12/03/2014 08:26:57]:Content '9a596c68-ab09-4869-9c8c-1162d7211f2a' 
for package 'LF10021B' has been added to content library successfully
[C74][Wed 12/03/2014 08:27:00]:Content '1fcd38d1-413f-4b4c-86e1-ecec08966734' 
for package 'LF10021B' has been added to content library successfully
[C74][Wed 12/03/2014 08:27:06]:Content '492b9f3f-e9e8-4a2f-94ec-eb905b7ad4a2' 
for package 'LF10021B' has been added to content library successfully
[DF0][Wed 12/03/2014 08:28:01]:Content 'b3c03b56-886c-46a3-8ea7-ba0a6c90e309' 
for package 'LF10021B' has been added to content library successfully

ONLY LF10021B is being distributed… WTH?

Here is my settings in the primary site [Software Distribution Component 
Properties] window:

----Concurrent distribution settings---------------------

Maximum number of packages:     7
Maximum threads per package:    5

----Retry settings---------------

Number of retries:              100
Delay before retrying:          30

----Multicast retry settings-----------

Number of retries:              3
Delay before retrying:          1

Any ideas guys??? I can’t seem to find a good resource online for distribution 
that addresses multitasking extensively.


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