I noticed today that I've got a couple of components with warnings
appearing repeatedly in the logs, beginning just after I installed the 1606
update.  The components with warnings are:


Both components show the first message below, while the second message only
appears for the security group discovery agent.

Message ID 619
Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message 102, severity 15:
[42000][102][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Incorrect
syntax near 's'.    Please refer to your Configuration Manager
documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base
for further troubleshooting information.

Message ID 619
Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message 105, severity 15:
[42000][105][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Unclosed
quotation mark after the character string '  '.    Please refer to your
Configuration Manager documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the
Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information.

A quick search leads me to this article, which indicates an apostrophe
somewhere is causing the error.  I'm going to start digging through
collections that have been modified recently to see if an apostrophe might
have been added somewhere, but the timing and the fact that it's a
different component showing the error makes me doubt I'll find anything

I know that we have at least 1 OU with an apostrophe in the name.  (I
didn't name the OU, it pre-dates me.)  Since this started right after the
server came back up from the upgrade, I wonder if anything was changed with
AD discovery in 1606 that would cause an apostrophe in AD to suddenly be an
issue. . .


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