Take a look at this Customize the RamDisk TFTP block size and window size on 
PXE-enabled distribution 

We set ours to 16384 (Decimal) and found it drastically improved our PXE 

P.S. Don't for get to restart the Windows Deployment Services Server 
(WDSServer) service after making the change.


From: listsad...@lists.myitforum.com [mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On 
Behalf Of Chobeaux, Sebastien
Sent: 09 May 2017 17:15
To: mssms@lists.myITforum.com
Subject: [mssms] PXE boot slows down after the 3rd computer

when using boot on PXE the first 2 / 3 first computers are able to load the 
boot image relatively quickly , but for the following ones the loading time is 
incredibly slows (and therefore PXE is unusable for larger deployment). I don't 
know how long but after a while it goes back to regular speed.

I don't feel it something on the SCCM end (all the content is distributed, when 
booting on PXE it goes to the correct DP, can't see anything peculiar in the 
logs) and we can see this across all our 65 location /  distribution point

I'm looking for ideas or pointer I could share with the network team.
(using SCCM 1610,  with a mix 2008r2 /2012 r2 distribution points)

Thanks a lot.

Sébastien Chobeaux.


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