I'm guessing it's reporting back exactly what the system is saying.
If you look at inventoryagent.log, when file inventory runs, you'll see a
line like...
select name, <more stuff>, ProductVersion, <more stuff>, FileVersion from
FileSystemFile where name= 'srv.sys' and path='Whatever Path you said"
and it's looking in root\ccm\invagt for that.
So if you go run that exact wmi query against a box that is saying
something contrary to what you believe, I suspect you'll find that
FileVersion, from that, is exactly what is there.  Whether or not you like
it is a different question.

On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 12:55 PM, HELMS, DAVID C <dahe...@scana.com> wrote:

> I’ve been asked to produce a report that displays the versions for srv.sys
> file on all our devices.  I configured software inventory to start
> collecting this info, but it is reporting back the wrong file version.
> Everything else looks correct but the version is wrong.   Any idea why this
> would be?
> Thanks,
> David

Thank you,

Sherry Kissinger

My Parameters:  Standardize. Simplify. Automate
Blogs: http://www.mofmaster.com, http://mnscug.org/blogs/sherry-kissinger,

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