>On Sun, 5 Jul 1998, Konami Man wrote:
>> >On megascsi I think all your partitions are the same
>> >(except maybe for the last one), and all start at the
>> >point. This would mean when you change disks you always
>> >the same partitiontable.
>> Nope! In MegaSCSI you can define the size of each
partition (when formatting
>> the device) with any amount of sectors. When you change
the disk you don't
>> need to do nothing if the new disk has the same
partitionning layout as the
>> previous; else, you must only to run the partition
>What if you have one Zip-disk with 3 partitions and other
with 4
>partitions ? Everything is still working Ok ?
>Hmm... Maybe that partition changer proggram could be
ported for other
>interfaces too...
>> However the most normal (and logical) case is to act as
you say: making all
>> the partitions of the same size (32MB) except the last
>No exepts are needed if I'm correct. 3 * 32MB = 96MB that
is actual size
>of formatted Zip-disk. Atleast my fdisk proggram says that
all of the
>capasity is used, when I use 3 * 32MB format.

Then you will have some space unused (about 4 MB, but I am
not sure)

>> >You have to take care ofcourse that you have command.com
>> >the first partition.
>You can also use SET SHELL = ...

Most of the time this works, but not always

>> This is not necessary if you boot from the SRAMdisk (that
is, if you assign
>> it to drive A:). This is very useful, because you have
the same booting
>> state regardless of the inserted disk.
>Is it allways A-drive ? With Novaxis I have notised, that
boot HD can be
>A-drive or C-drive depending of your slot configuration. I
think, that
>C-drive is better because then I can boot from disk, and
HD-boot is
>enabled only if disk was not present. (Just like in stupid
>Anyway if I want to use this feature for example in MSX tR
I need to add
>another disk controller before SCSI controller. (This is
all tested

for MegaSCSI you tell how much drives to assign (1 to 8)
then you tell for each driveletter what scsi-id (harddisk)
it should use or the SRAM-drive. You can assign one scsi-id
to more driveletters.

>> >but then again, if you have to copy a lot from one zip
to an
>> >other, you have to use the ramdisk, since it cannot see
>> >which zipdisk is inserted...
>> That's right. Maybe patching any hook on the disk work
area this can be
>> solved, because for check the disk change it is enough to
read the serial
>> number on the boot sector, and this is independent of the
>It is not that easy... You have to update also all
partition info from
>RAM and then starts battle against DOS. If someone has any
glue about DOS2
>internal variabbles, then please... DOS2 seems to keep same
>usually in many places.
>> It's only that MegaSCSI designers took some time using
the brain before the
>> construction step. It is not so difficult.
>We can learn ( = COPY ) much from them. :-)

You bet...

        Maico Arts

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