-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van:    Tiago Tresoldi [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Verzonden:      maandag 12 januari 1998 14:11
Onderwerp:      News from CLUB MSX ITALIA

With this message, we want to tell you that in 1997 was created the
Club MSX Italia.
Of course, our club was created to the italian MSXfreaks, but we
want to make activities for ALL MSX users in the world.
And our first activity was choose the best MSX Home Page of the
Net. These are the results:

1. Club HNOSTAR (http://www.ctv.es/USERS/hnostar/)
2. CAS CREMERS (http://www.stack.nl/~cas/)
3. Angel Culla (http://www.ctv.es/USERS/aculla)
4. Adrian Page (http://xoom.com/adrpage/msx.html)
5. MSX Resource Center (http://www.msx.org)
6. Frank Solomon (http://www.fun.horx.de/frank.salomon/index.html)
7. MAGOO's MSX (http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/3212/)
8. AAM (http://www.intercom.es/msx/menu.htm)
9. Pagina de Plot (http://intercom.es/plot/index.htm)
10. Claude Debussy (http://www.chez.com/samurai/index.htm)

Actually, it was only a test to know how to choose the best page
among all MSX users.
And now, you can choose. Please read:

1. First, you have to send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] where you
will choose your best pages. We'll only accept one message for e-mail
address. In this message, you have to write the ten best MSX page in
your opinion. For example, using the result of the test, a message
will be:

1. Club HNOSTAR (http://www.ctv.es/USERS/hnostar/)
2. CAS CREMERS (http://www.stack.nl/~cas/)
3. Angel Culla (http://www.ctv.es/USERS/aculla)
4. Adrian Page (http://xoom.com/adrpage/msx.html)
5. MSX Resource Center (http://www.msx.org)
6. Frank Solomon (http://www.fun.horx.de/frank.salomon/index.html)
7. MAGOO's MSX (http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/3212/)
8. AAM (http://www.intercom.es/msx/menu.htm)
9. Pagina de Plot (http://intercom.es/plot/index.htm)
10. Claude Debussy (http://www.chez.com/samurai/index.htm)

Please, follow this model and don't forget to write the correct URL
of each page. We'll receive hundreds of messages and we can't
search for the URL of all pages.

2. After that, we'll count it. Obviusly, the page that will has
more point will be the winner. To count the points of each page, we
will use this equation:



FP - Is the number of final point os a page, the total.
P  - Are the point that the page got whit each message. So, if a page
is choosed in first place it get 10 points, if in second 9, in third 8,
in fourth 7 and so on to the tenth place, where it get 1 point.
N   - The number of people that choosed the page, don't caring if the
page was choosed in the first or in the tenth place.

How you can see, together with the "traditional" variable P, we put the
variable N. It was put because we think that a page that receive two tenth
places is more "popular" that a page that only received one eighth place.
But we can tell you that this part (N*2) don't had changed the results.

3. After, we will send the prizes to the winners. The prizes are a GIF
image that indicate the position of the page in the ranking.
The prizes are:

* Prize to the 1st
* Prize to the 2nd
* Prize to the 3rd
* Prize to the 4th
* Prize to the 5th
* Prize to the 6th
* Prize to the 7th
* Prize to the 8th
* Prize to the 9th
* Prize to the 10th
* Prize "Top 25" from the 11th to the 25th
* Prize "Top 50" from the 26th to the 50th
* Prize "Top 100" from the 51st to the 100th
* Prize to all other pages

And we'll make a page with ALL the results and a lot of dates (what
country has more pages, the page os all countries, etc.)

4. You can vote now up to March 15th, 1998.

So, you can send your message! Use your bookmark, the Baboo!, the Yahoo!
and all that you can and send your message, we are waiting.
And, of course, the count will be make on a MSX! :)

Who will win?

Tiago Tresoldi

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[J.P. Zeedijk]  Wow! Great that you are so active, but who so difficult!
Greetings, Hans-Peter Zeedijk (holland) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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