On Thu, 08 Jan 1998 22:02:47 +0100, Martial BENOIT wrote:

>At 13:57 08/01/98 +0100, you wrote:
>>      Hello guys, I'm new in MSX secta, but I have a crazy idea and I
>>want to share it with the people: a brand new BASIC compiler.
>>      Think about it: a new language that handles long variable names,
>>modern sentences (like 'while'), no line numbers, etc. But the most
>>that uses all the available memory. The code generated would be much faster
>>than interpreted BASIC (though never as fast as assembler).

Hi, everybody!
I see that many people here seem to be interested in a BASIC compiler.
I wrote one a while ago (ASCII format of MSX BASIC -> DOS COM file), with
all MSXBASIC features supported. Unfortunately, i lost both source code
and compiled binaries for the libraries.
All the source code for compiler itself is still in my archives, so here goes
the question: are there people brave enough to help me write the new
libraries? I can send compiler sources by email or put them on the webpage.

Comments welcome.

[PS: compiler source is over 100K of (almost uncommented) C code plus a few
routines written in assembly]
-- EV
Egor G. Voznessenski: tubed audiophile, MSX maniac & Pendorian wannabe
Homepage: http://www.glasnet.ru/~msxegor
Fido: 2:5020/1385.6

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