
>     For PC, there is an on-development EXE-packer (compress and keeps
> the file still executable) named Apack. I'm using it, even still
> being a beta, because it really smashes things! Far better than
> PKLite and Diet, for example. And what does it have to do with MSX?
> Unfortunately, nothing, and that's why I'm mentioning it: there is
> no EXE-packer for MSX! Or is there and I never realized that? Yes,
> right, MSX would run out of memory and the program would be too
> slow to start executing. Maybe MSX shouldn't have an EXE-packer...
> Could someone find a use to an EXE-packer for MSX...?

        There IS an EXE-packer for MSX.
        PMARC has a module named PMAEXE2.COM that can be joined to your
PMARC file, turning it into a EXE-packed. Don't confuse with PMASFX2.COM,
that is a self-extract module for PMARC files.
        But I don't see many advantages in using it. Generally, MSX
programs are small (yes! we don't have windows!!!) and the PMA-unpacker is
somewhat slow...

> [Unisys copyright of GIF]
> Today, all programs
> able to handle appropriately GIF files must pay to the damn ****
> (choose your favourite "I HATE YOU" word).

        UNISYS royalties are "only" US$2000 for using LZH decompression
algorithms in your program... :O
        If I remember right, freewares aren't subject to this.

Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha               ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Engenharia de Computacao - UNICAMP                       MSX-TR:I have one.And you?

     *** NEW URL! AdrianPage now is at ***

* If there would be life after dead, Asimov already would write a book about it. *

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