>If so, a FAT16 driver should not in any way depend on a certain type 
>of hardware/ROM, only change things that are the same with any disk 
>interface. Or any DOS2-using interface, if you like.

Yes, the standard way for accessing physical sectors is through routine
#4010 of diskROM. But the standard input parameters specification for this
routine allows only the use of 16 bit sector numbers. So, for accessing 24
bits sector numbers a controller specific routine is needed. Besides I need
to set the "disk change" flag under certain circumstances, and (AFAIK)
there is not standard diskROM routine for this.

BTW, routine #4010 of MegaSCSI was modified for accessing 24 bit (actually
23) sector numbers, so actually I use this routine in my driver. But I
don't know if other interfaces have also this modification, so I separated
this part from the main code. The modification is as follows:

Standard #4010 routine definition:
Input: C = Media ID

MegaSCSI #4010 routine definition:
Input: C = Media ID if bit 7 = 1
        C = Starting sector number (bits 22-16) if bit 7 = 0

All other input parameters are identical in both cases.

>A FAT16 driver changes the FILE system, and thus should work with any 
>type of disk that supports that file system, in this case: any disk 
>hardware that could support FAT16 formatted disks, not just 

For this reason the controller dependant routines are separated from the
main code, so anyone knowing how other interfaces work (designers?
manufacturers?) can change it; sorry, I have only MegaSCSI and information
for MegaSCSI, so I can program only for MegaSCSI. BTW it is just three
routines: physical sector access, disk change flag setting, and checking if
a slot contains the controller.

>If it only works with MegaSCSI, then it's really a MegaSCSI 
>modification, not some kind of 'driver'. If so, I think you'd better 
>re-do it.

No. It is NOT a MegaSCSI modification, because I don't change anything of
MegaSCSI SRAM. My driver resides in a RAM segment. Besides when a FAT12
drive is accessed, my driver does nothing, and normal DOS code is executed:
no modification at all then.

>> - Jump to #0005 in TPA segment of page 3, via inter-segment call

By the way I commited mistake when typing this... it is "page 0" of course!

>a) Start & end your routines as much as possible the same way as is 
>done in the original routines (do some disassembling & code copying, 
>only squeezing your own version of the interesting parts in between), 

MSXDOS.SYS uses a lot of memory addresses which depends on the TPA end
address, so I can't make a "fixed" code emulating this. My driver takes
control via hook #F252, when DOS code and data segement are already set,
and stack is already placed in page 3, so I must not use these variable

>b) If possible, simply return/jump back to the original end of a 

What? Sorry I don't understand what you mean. Anyway I think you are maybe
speaking about "ignore" option, not "abort"...

BTW my driver will never show "ignore" option. Sometimes DOS shows it,
sometimes doesn't, and since I don't know how to decide if ignore should be
allowed or not, I'll never allow. If someone knows, please... I also don't
know how sector buffers works, as well as "fork a child process" (what the
hell is this???) X-)

Hasta incluso!

        Konami Man - AKA Nestor Soriano (^ ^)v - Itsumo MSX user

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