Are there going to be nametags on all you visitors??

>Of course I will be there !!!! What did you think !!! I need to be there to
>terrorise all of you !
>| Fony is present at the fair :-)
>| Maybe TFH too?
>| But he can speak for himself I guess
>| Stephan
>| >Yo guys,
>| >
>| >I was wondering who of you guys are going to the fair in Tilburg?
>| >Actually I am only
>| >interested knowing about the (old)-sceners. (like RMF/Fuzzy
>| >Logic/Fony/Moonsoft/etc)
>| >It would be cool to see some of you guys there again...
>| >
>| >Greets,
>| >Bart.
>| >

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