At 01:52 PM 4/21/99 +0200, you wrote:

>Hello, I would like to make CDs for playstation in which you will have games
>like in the Konami Collection CD, which permit to play Konami MSX game on a

Does anyone know how the Konami Antiques Collection was made? Are the games
recompiled or emulated or inbetween?
If the CDs contains ROM images, making other collections (like you suggest)
is easy. But if the games are partially or completely recompiled, making a
different collection is very hard.

A different approach may be to take the fMSX for Yaroze and add a menu to
it. In hardware, the Yaroze has no major differences from a normal grey
PSX. If it would have a menu that allows you to pick a ROM or DSK file
that's on CD, you could emulate many MSX games.


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