>     You are right. As I said some months ago, Okei and me were working on a
> patch for MSX-DOS2 for working with FAT16 in MegaSCSI. The latest version of
> FAT16 was made only by Okei, due to my lack of time. But, as usual, SHE made
> a great work (she is one os the best coders that I know).

        Well... A stupid point: why Okei or Manuel Pazos don't tell Nestor
some tips and infos for him to help his FAT16 project?
        And more, this tips don't allow making some kind of MSXCDEX for
Sunrise IDE?
        I think hiding MSX tech info it stupid. It difficults new
interesting programs be made easily. If ESE released international info
about MegaSCSI, its programming and DOS2 patching, many new utils could be
made. And maybe we had FAT32 now. :)

        And again, Manuel Pazos is fudeba. :)

Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha               ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Engenharia de Computacao - UNICAMP
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