At 04:40 PM 7/6/99 +0200, you wrote:

>Which are the actual effects of writing the dynamic memory refresh register
>(LD R,A) on the MSX?

On some machines, part of the RAM is erased.

>Do you guys feature any kind of "nonstandard" CPU usage in your programs
>(such as undocumented mnemonics, self-modifying code, stack feedback...)?

Some people say "IN F,(C)" is undocumented. But it was in my documentation.
Anyway, it is a useful instruction, which has a very important role in the
Copper Bars part of Almost Real.

Self-modifying code: I used it, but I could do without as in those
applications it only speeded up things a little bit.
Oh, actually filling in the address in a jump instruction is self-modifying
code as well... I use that very often because it's so easy.

Stack feedback: what is that?


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