At 04:40 AM 7/10/99 +0200, you wrote:

>The problem is with my F700!!! It takes 400% more time to load!!!

It has something to do with the interrupt routine of the DiskROM. You can
avoid this slowdown either by writing "RET" to #FD9F or by telling the VDP
not to generate interrupts (a bit in reg 0 or 1, I forgot). I prefer the
latter, it is more "thorough". Simply executing a "DI" is not enough,
because the DiskROM routines contain "EI".

>The drive LED even turns off when feeding data to VRAM!!!

That's because the SONY DiskROM has a different "algorithm" for the drive
LED: it only turns on when that drive is selected. This is not connected to
the slowdown.

>I buffer data at #8000 and the routine lives near #100. I guess BDOS is
>going crazy slotswapping and bankswitching (dunno actually the innards of
>BDOS!)...?!? I'll try to call from #C000 area...

BDOS doesn't do bankswitching in DOS1.
And slotswapping once per 16K is not much overhead.
So calling from #C000 area won't improve things.


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