At 04:04 PM 7/19/99 +0200, you wrote:

>I've made a menuprogram in Turbo Pascal which has
>to execute the game selected from the menu.

Maybe you can use a trick I once used under MS-DOS to make a menu program.

When executing a batch file, the COMMAND.COM of MS-DOS remembers the
filename and the current line, but it doesn't keep the batch file in memory.

So if you re-write a batch file by a program started from that same batch
file, you can determine what command to execute next.


Initial MENU.BAT:
  echo off
  rem Whatever...

The line "menuprog" starts a program in file MENUPROG.COM.

Written MENU.BAT:
  echo off
  bls niceimg.sr5

The 3rd line executes a command depending on what choice was made in the
menu. The 4th line makes sure the menu is re-entered after the command


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