This message was originally sent to Rieks W. Torringa's private
mail address, but since we've heard nothing since (for two weeks
or so), I'm sending this to the list. It concerns our thread on
MSX-Salamander. If you got the message already Rieks, then I'm
sorry for the extra message, but I thought maybe the previous
one got lost in mail, since we tried to send it to you private.

Anyone else knowing answers to some of the questions can of course
also give answers, we want to know anything we can get...

Sorry for the inconveniences.

Antti Suni + Tuomo Mikola
        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 10:02:25 +0300 (EEST)
From: Suni Antti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Salamander questions


we got (finally) around gathering some questions so here goes:

1. Anything more on Twin/Triple/Arming?
2. Can the Crystal Breeze be found on Lavinia and if yes, where?
3. Is it necessary to have an option or a force field to get past the
wall-mounted lasers on the down-scrolling part of Lavinia?
4. How does the difficulty level change depending on your play? (less
shooting/less monsters?)
5. Are there more than two different difficulty levels for each of the
operation 3 levels?
6. Is there a specific pattern for the movement and bouncing of the
creatures found among other places in the blue tunnel of Latis?
7. Have you ever completed any of the operation 3 levels in their more
difficult mode?
8. Full names of all the weapons/stuff
9. How much of the appearing and positions of monsters is random and how
much depends on the actions and positions of player(s)? (eg. Bouncing
balls of Lavinia appearing from the front or the back)
10. To where does the prediction on Lavinia point? (final boss?)
11. How did you destroy the first boss on X? Did you fly close in between
the middle part and the cannon on the edge and let your option blast it?
12. Anything special about playing alone and anything you might think is

(We changed this to a private message, since probably not everyone in
the list is interested... :) )

Antti Suni
        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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