At 18:18 22/07/99 -0300, you wrote:
>       BTW, I scanned the entire YM2413 application manual. It's about
>2Mb. Does anyone have space to host this? I can also scan the V9918/28/29,
>Y8950 and AY-3-8912 if someone host the files...

        Geocities, FortuneCity, Xoom, TriPod... =)
Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro - ICQ UIN:3635907 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]|_Sola  Scriptura | -M.Sc. Numerical Modelling (hope so!)  |_ Sola Gratia  |
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MSX, ST, B5, X-F, Anime, Christian, Maths, CuD, Linux!_|  Solo Cristi  |
Christian, Rock, Comics, Transformers, and hate M$!  | Soli Deo Gloria |

After B5... Phrase found painted in a wall in Brasilia: "Remember Biri" 

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