First I would like to say that my first message about the ECTS was not some
kind of criticism on Patriek's message, from his reaction I got the feeling
it was seen as exactly that though :(

Anywayz, some reactions on his reactions on my reaction (still reading?) :

>> and yes I get excited when I get to talk to
>> Konami, Infogrames, SNK, Kemco etc. Maybe you've gotten used to it?

I guess that is true yes and I have gotten used to it. I remember how
thrilled I was the first time I visited the ECTS. This remark was not meant
to say that you asct foolish or overreact, I just placed it to make people
understand why you say it as you said it...could easily be mistaken for
bragging you know...

>> You say the E3 is more of a show, I think it's too much of a show.
>> I haven't actually been there, to be honest. Anyway, I liked the ECTS in
>> that it seemed to me to be a good mix between trade and show.

Agree with you on that point, the E3 is really just a show, ok, you see the
newer stuff even earlier and you can see a lot more then at the ECTS but
talking to the people in the business or get some stuff done? ECTS is a far
better place to be. Although THIS ECTS was a bit dissapointing since a lot
of publishers just had a press booth.

>> That's bullshit. Paul did know about SD-Snatcher, he explicitly said HE
>> gave permission for the Konami stuff on MCCM CD, and he told me some
>> info as well... Sounds to me you've never talked to him personally!

Actually I have, few years ago...also at the ECTS. When WE were trying to
get some stuff done with Konami and get some info on 3rd party
development...luckily we found out soon enough we needed to talk to Konami
in Germany or in Japan to get some decent response. Maybe you have another
opinion about Paul, that is fine, I am just saying he wasn't of any use to
us. Maybe Paul got promoted, I don't know. :)

And yes, of course we went to the ECTS with different expactations and other
business reasons, I take it you just went to meet some interesting people
and see the new things, while I went to get some things done, find new
partners and see old ones again, make arrangements and find new
short, to keep the Engine running :) You didn't have to worry about that,
Misscha takes care of that for Witan.


Ruud van de Moosdijk

ps. and ofcourse you are allowed to be enthusiastic!! There already are so
few enthusiastic people around.

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