On Sun, 10 Oct 1999 07:00:38 GMT, Peter Burkhard wrote:

>>  I think I'll remade all of them as external comands and will release
>> them for free. It's a lot of work, but I think work on MSX must be done
>> on a "hobby" basis, and not on a "profit" basis.
>>      []'s Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>I think your anwer is a bit stupid. Also a hobby-ist need a bit acknowledgement.
>A price of NLG 25 - 40.- is nothing. All this command as external and you never 

  A bit stupid? I had done lots of programs on my entire life, some of them take more 
a year from me, but I always have in mind that I've done it for me, and so I don't ask 
to pay me for it, just because I think I'm only contributing to the comunity by 
distributing them.
Now I'm programming a lot for MSX, soon you'll see programs from myself on the net
(I cannot say how soon), and I'll not charge anything for them.

  I think when someone do a game, it's nice that this person put a price on it, because
no one do a game to play alone. A person that program a game do it for other people,
in most cases. But if I do a program for my OWN usage and charge other people to
distribute it, I REALLY don't think it's nice. I'm not saying that this is the case of 
but I really think if someone wants to survive from MSX, this people will starve to 
because there is no a big market, and even if everyone buy the program, it'll not be
profitable. So, this talk sounds a bit strange for me.

  I have bought lots of games produced out there, and I even buy programs, but I think
this type of think just cause less people to use that program. It's my point of view. 
I agree that modify COMMAND.COM is a boring task, but most of these commands
may be done creating external commands, very simple to program...
  I'm not against the guy that program it. I only think I will not buy it and I really 
need (and
have some of these alredy programmed) some of these functions, and I think I would
be REALLY stupid if I did not distribute these "just because someone sell it"... See,
we all need to be friends. We are only a few people around the world. And whenever
there is charges imposed, there is some relationships "problems". I'm not talking
everyone must give away its programs. I just think everyone needs to think about
our real market state... I can say you: I feel not good selling software for my 
I can charge for my work, BUT never for profit. And If I do a program, even a simple
or a complex one, I just distribute its source code too. Why? Because more people
can learn HOW to program that type of program and even make it better. Why? 
Because I want our comunity grow. Why? Because I do not want that MSX die!

  It's my point of view. You can agree or disagree, but you need to respect, as I 
respect yours.

     []'s Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

...MICROSOFT - a Millisecond late and a Gigabuck short
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