Pierre Gielen wrote:
> I think this has been asked before, but I can't remember the answer, so: can
> a CGA colormonitor be connected to my MSX (NMS8255) if it doesn't have a
> SCART connector or a composite video switch? And: can an Amiga color monitor
> be connected to my MSX?
> Pierre


        Take a look on these pictures:


        In them, you can see a Samsung CGA Color monitor in a Turbo-R GT.
        I just made a circuit to convert MSX RGB signals (1 Vpp) to 6~14 VDC
level needed to the biasing of the base of the R-G-B transistors, and a
separator to split MSX composite sync signal (1 Vpp) into VSync and Hsync (TTL
needed by the CGA monitor.

        If you hava R, G, B and Composite Sync signals in the SCART connector, you can
use a CGA monitor just splitting V and H sync and converting the signal levels.
If you
have H and V sync already independent, then is more easy !

        But if you have only Composite Video output, then you need a Chip ( I can't
remember his code, is a LMxxxx made by Philips) that can convert this signta in
R,G, B,
and V-H Sync signals.

        And about an Amiga color monitor, YES, The Brazilian MSX Users Ricardo Jurczyk
Pinheiro and Daniel Jorge Caetano use their MSXes with Amiga Commodore monitors,
but I
don't know the monitor inputs... Probably the monitor is RGB and you need just a


        Werner Kai from MSX Core Club, Brazil

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