On Sat, 15 Jul 2000, Daniel Ravazzi wrote:

> Well, I have a MSX by Sanyo (Wavy 70FD2), and keyboard of this machine is
> not work...the keyboard film contact is broken (destroyed!)...and told me
> Sanyo not have
> any parts for this machine.. :-(...

One option is to buy Leonardo Padial's keyboard interface, which you can 
use to connect any PC keyboard to your MSX. The interface is quite 
expensive, but PC keyboards aren't. However, adapting a 8250 keyboard is 
probably cheaper.

Pierre Gielen wrote a review of the LP keyboard interface for MCCW 92:

> BUT... :-)... I look in keyboard of Philips NMS8250 and verify that film
> keyboard is
> the same!! (little differences)...

Sanyo made the 8250, Philips designed only the case, probably...

> I'm looking for original black drives too...

They look good in 82xx machines, but they are not good drives. Maybe it's a 
better idea to try and mount the black front onto a PC drive.

> Now..I have a question: I look in main PCB of 8250 and look a swicth (not
> jumper! really switch)...on center...OFF the MSX work...ON, MSX not
> work... so...what is this switch?

It is said that it turns off the internal ROMs. Maybe it maps slot 1 to 
slot 0 as well, otherwise the service cartridge wouldn't work.


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