----- Original Message -----
From: Ivan Latorre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 19:26
Subject: Unknown game

> Hello
> Please take a look at:
> http://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/15274786
> Does anyone know this game?
> Greets

I don't know the game, but the handy dandy japanese->english translator
(which was posted here not long ago) tells me it is called 'Erika'
And the picture clearly states the game is from 'Jast'
Do not blame me for the broken english in the translation. I just cut/pasted
it 'as-is'...
1 correction tho "Eli Mosquito" in the first line is wrongly translated and
should say "Erika"
I hope this helps



-[ translation ]------------------------

For *** MSX SF & adult adventure " Eli Mosquito " ***

In the afternoon of the angel Such as with adventure game of famous just, "
Erika "

0 MSX editions, the box, the cassette and the instruction manual, together,
extent It is good, is. Because there is not an apparatus in labor assistant, at
reality point in time operational lack of confirmation So we ask.

If *** question etc it is, please the ***

Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also http://www.faq.msxnet.org/

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