At 17:00 7-9-00 +0000, you wrote:
>On Thu, 07 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> > - Command(s) to switch CPU
> > - Function(s) to detect current CPU setting
>You mean in BASIC? In assembly, it's BIOS call #0180 and #0183.

I knew that already, I do mean in Basic.

> > - Function(s) to detect the state of the Yes- and No-key, because these
> > aren't located in the keyboard matrix from &HFBE5 and the application
> > switch
>Those keys are located in the actual keyboard matrix, but in a new row, for
>which there was no space reserved in the system RAM area. In assembly, you
>can read them using BIOS call #0141.
>By the way, the key names are not "Yes" and "No", but (if I remember
>correctly) "Execute" and "Cancel".
>The application switch can be read using I/O ports.

I know that too, I mean all of it in Basic.

> > - And maybe a strange one, some way to bend the use of the Pause-key
> > in R800 mode
>This was published somewhere (probably either MCCM or Sunrise Magazine) a
>long time ago. You can modify the BIOS that is used in R800 DRAM mode,
>disabling the PAUSE key. Once the BIOS no longer reacts to it, you can react
>to it in your program (probably by reading some I/O port).

Hehe, do you know how I killed the Pause-key in R800-mode in Basic? I 
actually made it switchable using a _PAUSEKEY, but the program I put it in 
is still under heavy construction as I'm gonna add more calls. I even want 
to put in a way to do a tape emulation for MSX 2. Maybe even making a disk 
file to put the tape data in.

> > Also, the MSX-MUSIC Basic consists of more than just the commands we know.
> > I know some of them are related to some future addition.
>Interesting. Could you give a list?
>I know only "PLAY #1", which is used for MIDI.

Well, to keep in MIDI, there is a _MBR which handle rhythm instruments. For 
the other commands I will try to find the list I made once.

>You can find a lot of interesting articles on the turbo R (published before
>in MCCM) on The MSX Plaza by Alex Wulms:
>Note: the turbo R articles are Dutch only (for now?).

Hmm. It seems I didn't make myself clear enough... I meant all of this 
can't be done in Basic guys.

GreeTz, BiFi

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