On Mon, Nov 20, 2000 at 01:22:14AM -0400, Daniel Jorge Caetano wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Nov 2000 01:29:34 +0100, Sean Young wrote:
> >According to Portar.txt bit 6 of PSG register 14 is "On japanese machines only".
> >It's not the KANA led, that's bit 7 of PSG register 15. Does anyone know what
> >that bit does? The MSX redbook doesn't say anything. The dutch "MSX Handboek
> >for gevorderden" says the same as Portar.txt. Does anyone know what it is?
> >Do Japanese MSX computers have an extra key? (The KANA key seems to be the
> >same as the CODE key on international MSXes).
>   Yes, it is... except by the fact the "code" in the Japanese Machines
> can be locked, in the same way Caps Lock. The "Code Lock" key was
> called Kana Key... and when it's locked, the mentioned bit (6) will
> be activated...

Hmm how exactly does this work? Is this bit set in hardware or in software?

It doesn't make sense though. I haven't emulated this bit at all, but still
the KANA led works fine, and it stays in KANA mode till you press it again.


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