On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 09:34:39PM -0400, Daniel Jorge Caetano wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Nov 2000 11:04:50 +0100, Laurens Holst wrote:
> >>   Yes, it is... except by the fact the "code" in the Japanese Machines
> >> can be locked, in the same way Caps Lock. The "Code Lock" key was
> >> called Kana Key... and when it's locked, the mentioned bit (6) will
> >> be activated...
> >I do not think this is true. The Kana-key is located in the keyboard-matrix.
> >I did know what the bit was for, but at the moment I don't remember. You
> >should read some 'alternative' documents like the ones found at Maarten ter
> >Huurne's page (right?) and at Funet.
>   Grauw Fudeba,
>   Everything I know is that this bit was used by MegaSCSI in some
> some apps to "blink" the Kana Led (according to the program manuals).
> Later they replaced the use of Kana Led by Caps Led, because ocidental
> MSXs don't have Kana Led.

That's not bit 6 R#14, that's bit 7 R#15. 

>   If the european guys gave another use for this bit, I don't know.

No it is ignored.

>   I don't know how it works, but if you ask me, I think this bit
> is set by software when you press kana key. It's difficult to 
> make it by hardware, once PSG is not connected to PPI.

True; KANA key is mapped to the CODE key in European MSXes. 

Last night I did some experimenting with my turbo-R; first of all, if bit
6 of Port A was key: there are only three extra keys on the turbo-R. The
yes and no on the keyboard, and the toggle that starts the internal rom

The routine I uses was:

LOOP1:  LD      A,14
        OUT     (A0h),A
        IN      A,(A2h)
        LD      C,A
        XOR     A
        OUT     (99h),A
        LD      A,40h
        OUT     (99h),A
        LD      B,8
LOOP2:  LD      A,18h
        RLC     C
        ADC     A,A     ; 18*2 = 30h = '0', plus carry makes '1'
        OUT     (98h),A
        DJNZ    LOOP2
        JR      LOOP1

In screen 0 the bits of register 14 are now displayed; no matter what keys I
pressed, nothing changed. :( So still I have no clue what it is.


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