On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 03:12:48PM +0100, Arno Bakker wrote:
> I'm using MS Internet Explorer 5.50.4522.1800 on Windows 2000 prof SP1 with
> the advanced option 'enable folder view for FTP sites' selected.
> Anyone else with the same problems or ??
> I never had the problem before with funet (with the old server?)

>From my tech support days I remember that IE is really crap for ftp
implementations. That was in the time of IE4, but I wouldn't be surprised
if the same applies to the latest and greatest IE running on Windows ME 2000
Advanced Professional Server SP11.

One of the issues with the links is that there's an "'" in it; which has
to be escaped, that's why the link is:

 of the box</A>

Anyways since IE is really crap for ftp, enable proxy for ftp and let the
proxy do the work which IE can't do. :)


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