
It's probably useful to inform new subscribers about the etiquette of this 
list, as well as reminding long time subscribers. When writing to the MSX 
mailinglist, please stick to the following rules:

No attachments:
If you want to spread files, put them on HTTP or FTP and mention the URL in 
your message.

No HTML mail:
Not every mail reader can handle it. It increases message size. And it 
doesn't really add anything useful to the message.

Write in English:
Since your message will be sent to all people on the list, make sure they are 
able to understand it. If you have a message that is only interesting to 
people in a certain language area, please explain why that is in English and 
below that you can write the message in Dutch or Portuguese or whatever. It's 
best to mention it in the subject line as well, for example "[Dutch] I am 
looking for a ride to Tilburg".

Write on-topic:
This is not a very strict rule, since a little off-topic discussion can be 
both interesting and fun. Just don't go too far off-topic. Only write what 
you think people will be interested in and remember that those people 
subscribed to an MSX mailinglist.

Reply personally if appropriate:
If your reply is only interesting to one person, send it to that person 
directly. Remember that the default reply address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], therefore 
your reply will go to the list unless you fill in another address manually. 
Bids on for-sale items and requests to mail files are examples of messages 
that are better not sent to the list.

Don't ask for warez:
You shouldn't ask for copies of either non-MSX software or MSX software that 
is still being sold. I have no problems with requests for out-of-production 
MSX software, but only if you have done some thorough web searching and 
couldn't find it anywhere.

General netiquette:
Don't quote more than you need to. Gather related responses in a single 
message. Read the FAQ. Be nice to each other. Don't overuse exclamation marks 
and capitals. Etc.

Thanks in advance.


For info, see http://www.stack.nl/~wynke/MSX/listinfo.html

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