> > The 'take all MSX info that is not officialy permitted off the web' is
> > Anne's interpretation. And that would make the revival/survival of MSX
> > more difficult. So do not remove it please!
> or at least... not for now... yet.
> (that probably isn't very correct english but you should get my point)

It bothered me a bit already that Hans redirected my words into 'my
opinion'. I decided not to react on it. Now Laurens is copying Hans' part
and reacts on it. I DO need to say something about it now....

Actually, I will quote myself:
Message from Anne de Raad, 23-4-2001, 8:26 about the sheets published :

'Seriously, I don't want you to take them offline. I don't see any harm in
publishing them. It is actually quite interesting for the people who weren't
there. I ONLY want to tell you what the japanese people thought of it.'

Please Hans, could you mind this statement before you conclude I want
everything off the web? You're message was from 23-4-2001 at 16:11, so you
read my quote above already. I only want to give the list the view of the
japanese on this subject. www.msx.org did a wise thing and took the sheets
offline already. Let me put it this way, it will stabilize and improve our
contacts with the japanese MSX community.

If your view on my opinion was about the ROMs and other copyrighted MSX
software only, then you are right. I really think we should take all the
copyrighted MSX software offline. Just to TRY to get the MSX PLAYER a bit
popular. As soon as those old games become commercial interesting again and
the copyrights 'revive' a bit, we should learn something from the past. We
should stick together and try to convince everyone it is for the sake of MSX
that the software will only be available via the official ASCII MSX server.
Yes, ASCII will make money that way, but ASCII will also see that the
MSX-system is something they should go on with. I assure you, when the
emulator fails, we won't see any new MSX......


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