Sander Zuidema wrote:

> Helleuwz...
> > About the fact that he used to crack games, what can I say? Most games he
> > cracked were not for sale in Europe, so at least for me was the only way
> to
> > get them (and no, I don't think piracy was the reason that made Japanese
> > companies decide not to sell in Europe).
> I am almost absolutely sure that the reason the games were not available was
> because
> of the low (no) sales, because of the excessive cracking and copying.

I donīt think (also) that piracy was the reason that made Japanese companies
to left european market. And of what japanese companies are you talking about?
not many japanese games were sold in Europe in relation to the total games sold
in Japan (a 10% maybe? not more).

Of the total MSX games that I bought when the system was commercially alive not
more than a 10% were illegal copies
(and I donīt bought this illegal copies, I just simply copied the original

And we forget a big issue that japanese companies had to win the european
market: the language.
Do you think that if Solid Snake was massively sold in Spain, The Netherlands,
Finland, France,...
in japanese language Konami would have earned a lot of money? I think that to
reach a good sales they should
had to sell the game in Spanish, Dutch, Finnish, French, ... (even English would
had not been sufficient).

And also its said that piracy can even be good in order to sale a system (PSX vs
Nintendo64, IBM Compatible PCs, ...).


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