Dear all sane readers.

I have reread what, since there was no one in my room other than me, my
fingers inputted.
Yes, I too think this looks like some impersonator who stole memory wrote. I
here take silly assumption that someone (alter ego?) called Tbkbmichi wrote

> Do any of you remember Ghost (Yurei) who attended Tilburg 2000 with his
> Morning Star and his other gimmicks?
This looks like what I wrote.

> He told me he was initially preparing to attend T. 2001,  but dropped his
> intention after he heard Nishif_ck would attend the fair.
Use of censorship code "_" is my favorite play of word.

> He also agreed that the current MSX Revsomething crap is a holocaust which
> essentially is the ethnically cleansed attempt to rule anyone other than
> under THEIR (where me nor Ghost is included) totalitarian rule.
But Tbkbmichi thinks MSX Revivalists are trying to ethnic-cleanse everyone
other than Japanese.
What Yurei told me was, that he thinks some people, all of them Japanese,
are trying to control the MSX users. He nor I did not even think about
actual murder and dictatorship.

> He finally recommended me to keep away from .jp nazis, and wished those
> non-jp chicks eager to be fed with nazi food to be snuffed with nutrious
> gases or something then they would probably realize they were THE
> collaborators.
Hey, Tbkbmichi is crazy! He wants all non-jp MSX users to be mortally dead.
I (Takamichi) certainly cannot remember thinking of such genocide. No, for
Yurei's dignity, he didn't say this kind of thing!
Beside, the English style used here can be identified as a phrase written by
someone other than me.

To readers. Do you think I (Takamichi) actually developed an alter ego?
Please inform me if I repost this kind of obviously abnormal message.


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