The mystery how to connect a PC floppy drive to a Turbo R is puzling me for
weeks now. Not that mine is broke, but for others it is a real disaster. For
example Crabytes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Rafael Rigues have a broken floppy

I knew I had read somewhere a reference to a dutch article about a dutch
group (MSX Club Gouda) connecting a standard floppy drive to the Turbo R
disk interface.

Scanning trough old Sunrise diskmaganies I found two interesting articles.
One is attached, the other pointed to MCMM issue 72 as the magazine with the
article I am looking for now for weeks. No wonder I could not find it, issue
72 is one of the few missing in my collection!

I am sure that it would be highly appreciated if someone with access to
issue 72 will make a scan of teh article (black and white, 300 dpi) (or
photocopy) and send it to me. I will translate and publish it on the web.

Article form Sunrise diskmagazine, translated:

          Second   D R I V E     T U R B O   R 
                            Print        15 pens       34 pens
                            connection   sub-d:        shugart:
          +5 volt        :  pen  1        pen  1        powerplug
          Ground         :  pen  7        pen  2        powerplug
          Ready          :  pen  6        pen  3        pen 34
          Side select    :  pen  9        pen  4        pen 32
          Read data      :  pen 11        pen  5        pen 30
          Write protected:  pen 12        pen  6        pen 28
          Track 0        :  pen 13        pen  7        pen 26
          Write gate     :  pen 14        pen  8        pen 24
          Write data     :  pen 16        pen  9        pen 22
          Step           :  pen 18        pen 10        pen 20
          Direction      :  pen 19        pen 11        pen 18
          Motor on       :  pen 20        pen 12        pen 16
          Drive select   :  pen 22        pen 13        pen 10
          Index          :  pen 23        pen 14        pen  8
          Disk change    :  pen 24        pen 15        pen  2
          Drive set to DS0!!
For info, see

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