I am trying a different harddisk on my Turbo R with Gouda (Novaxis) SCSI 
controller. The controller comes with following data:

Novaxis MSX2/Turbo-R SCSI BIOS Version 1.51
(c) 1994-1995 KMcs / MSX Club Gouda
Written by Jurgen Kramer july 3th 1995-
Hardware by H.G. 1993. Version 1.1

Host ID : 6 , Target ID : 0

ID #0 - IBM     DPES-31080      Revision 531Q   3
ID #5 - IOMEGA  ZIP 100         Revision N*32   N

I have 2 problems:
1st: If I boot I can't get to the ZIP drive. The disk in it I can use on my 
other MSX with MK SCSI cartridge, so it containes partioning and data.

2nd: I want to partition the harddisk with as less partitions as possible. 
I though the 32Mb boundary was broken with Novaxis, but when using NFDISK 
it reports the harddisk as follow:
NFDISK V1.0 by RMt & AMs
(c) 5-1995 MSX Club Gouda
ID      Vendor          Productname
0       IBM             DPES-31080
5       IOMEGA  ZIP 100

When choosing the IBM harddisk it shows Total Capacity: :34.248, but I 
think it means 1.034.248 because it is a 1Gb harddisk.
If I want to add partitions, I can't get them bigger then 31.999 kbytes for 
the first partition and 31.998 for the next partitions.
It doesn't matter what I choose in the partition type selector, e.g.: 
Extended, (old) PC, (old) MSX or MAK 3.0

Can someone explain this?

Greetings, Hans-Peter (hapzee) Zeedijk

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