> Well, the picture is from an anime known as.... Love Hina!
> (surprise! ;) ) It's a series about a guy who's lucky enough
> to get a job as a 'housermaster' in a girls dormitory. There
> are 5(?) girls there if I remember correctly and they live
> through all sorts of every day live adventures.
Almost correct, but there are some more girls. And don't forget the flying

Lovehina started around 1999 (and quitted several months ago), so it's
unbelievable to think there was MSX game for Lovehina.
The fact Lovehina is chosen as a motif and the touch used in;
reminds me of some GFXer I know (http://www.interline.or.jp/~akao/), but
probably I'm wrong.
My Google (MSX,Lovehina,RPG) hinted nothing relevant so far...


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