Hi Peopz,

Yesterday on the MSX Fair in Oss, I remembered something I did a few years 
back on a friends' turboR (didn't have one at the time), and some people 
wanted to see it so I tried it again. The one-liner which we (Laurens Holst 
and a few others helped too) got was this:

10 FORI%=0TO15:VDP(19)=I%    :::::::::::::::::::::::NEXT:GOTO10

Be sure to put the turboR in 50Hz mode first (with "VDP(10)=2"). Also make 
sure you run it on a bare system. Having a certain cartridges inserted 
seems to make a difference in timing, but removing a space can solve it.

The screen should be stable, and you can move the effect left and right by 
pressing some keys on the keyboard.
If you don't get a stable screen, but a moving one, add or remove a space.

Anyway, this is not what I did a few years ago, which was a full sine-wave. 
I spent a few minutes on my own turboR today and got you this, also a 

1,0:FORX=0TO0STEP0:FORI=0TO15:VDP(19)=A(I)     :::::::::::::NEXTI,X

The wave is stopped in this program, but removing or adding colons (':') 
and spaces adjusts the speed. The result is a perfect sinewave, previously 
known only to machinecode programs :)

Have fun!


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