On Monday 28 January 2002 22:23, you wrote:

> >I didn't know Ashguine 3 existed. Is it like Ashguine 2? Although I didn't
> >understand that game at all, I enjoyed playing it.
> just a hint, but take a look at the game on MSX Files, the rare section ;)


I downloaded the game, it seems like an action RPG. Demo is not nearly as 
good as Ashguine 2. The in-game scrolling is weird: sometimes the map 
scrolls, at other times you walk into the next room. However, it is unclear 
when which will occur, this is very disorienting. The idea behind combat 
system seems nice (evade enemies a la SD Snatcher, if you hit one you can 
find them in an action screen, which looks a bit like Golvellius).

But all in all it doesn't have the appeal part 2 did.

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