> > This is how the mistery was solved. In fact, the big trouble
> > was in finding a BIOS procedure that was able to ready the
> > keyboard with the IRQ disabled... and more: a procedure that
> > should be in the same place on every computer. These procedures
> > are 0d12h, which reads the keyboard and fill a keymatrix structure
> > and 0d4eh, which translates this structure into a ASCII number
> > on the keybuffer.
> Undocumented? Quoting from the MSX Red Book (which is on FUNet):

Don't trust in all BIOS entry-points stated in MSX RB. Many of them changes
from ROM to ROM. They're not guaranteed to be at the same place. They can
change, specially from MSX1->MSX2, MSX2->MSX2+, MSX2+->TR.

Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha                 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
http://www.adrpage.cjb.net                      MSX: more fun per less MHz

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