At 18:47 10/06/2002 +0200, you wrote:

>Carlos de Santa-Ana Garcia wrote:
>>At 17:12 10/06/2002 +0200, you wrote:
>>>Hello all you of MSX,
>>>I search MSX TURBO-R
>>>There is someone that sells it? sended information to me for its cost of 
>>Better than repeat the question, is read the answers.
>I would want to buy a MSX and to know its cost, you understand!!!

I understand that somebody answer your question, and never readed his 
answer, then i´m going to copy and paste it here for you:

 > How much coast a MSX TURBO-R?
Well, I sold an A1ST on 400 euro recently. I think 300-600 euro is an
average price range.

>>>Good bye
>>>Andrea Gasparrini from Italy
>>>-- For info, see
>>For info, see
>For info, see

For info, see

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