> > Plz, take a look at the article. Your answer was already there.  ;)
> Oh, heh :). My Spanish, eh ;p.

It's not Spanish. It's Portuguese. KonamiMan speaks Spanish and live in Spain,
which is located in the Europe. Me and Fabio speakes Portuguese and live in
Brazil, which is located in South America, far away from Europe.

Anyway, Fabio also put an English version of his article online. You can find 
the link
in the top of the Portuguese page. Just in case you don't find it, here's the 
direct link to
the English text: http://www.msxpro.com/hardware/mm_upgrade/msxaudio-BIOS-EN.txt

> Too bad it isn’t just a matter of replacing the existing BIOS ROM... 
> That would’ve been easy ;p.

Blame the Japanese guys who made the original version. While Fabio was working
on this project, we talked a bit about how to get rid of the hardware mods. The
solution was not good: loosing 4KB of RAM in BASIC is too much and a lot of 
would stop working with 19K or less of free RAM. Also, due to the memory mirror
needed by MSXAudio BIOS, using MSX main RAM would need a lot of BIOS rewriting, 
the project much more difficult to complete.

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