
I' trying to patch multi mente for use with fat16, with no luck. I downloaded 
the 2.07a version from www.mellema.net. Since the accompanying text file 
indicates this is actually a translated 2.07k version, I tried both patches 
available at www.ucatv.ne.jp. However, both return "invalid version".

Is there an already patched version of the latest multi mente in English 
available somewhere, or does someone perhaps have a patch which will work on 
this version, or can someone tell me how to do the patching (as described on 
the Sunrise website; it appears to be only three bytes) myself?

Thanks for any help,
Diederick de Vries
MSX mailing list (msx@stack.nl)
Info page: http://lists.stack.nl/mailman/listinfo/msx

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