Hi guys of you all of MSX system,

I need of the your help for me, please!

I'm planning a new project for MSX2, this is a

new video game space, called SCRAMBLE MANBOW.

The program works on screen-4 to 16 colors, is similar to that

from bar to "Scramble" that of Stern in 1982, but this

is much better, because the spacecraft is equal to that of Space


I ask for your help, of expert programmers sull'assembler.

because I want to put the basic code of the graphics that scroll left

in assembler, because my program works with the XBASIC KUN

ASCII to speed up the scrolling of the game, which the center is a 

makes scrolling the screen one column at a time, but we need the 

of XBASIC. But unfortunately there is a problem of memory basic 

I could not very long at the graphics level of play, because at

end, the MSX computer gives me this error "OUT OF MEMORY" the XBASIC

I can not work because the basic program is too long.

So the only solution is to put all the code basic graphics assembler

and make a call from Basic with A = USR (n) to scroll the screen with 

column graphics.

Those interested in the project, I send him the game "Scramble MANBOW"

made by me.

Write me at: andreagasparr...@yahoo.it

Best Regards

Gasparrini Andrea from Italy

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