
ICANN is always open for business... Despite of its "non-for profit"
status, it is a business, and people employed at it (including former
founders, stockholders and current directorial staff) gets paid - and
well paid -! Of course they will go for any opportunity always when
"money" is on the table!

In regards to the MSX.COM, on one side it is sad to see that such
domain have become product of bargains. However, on the other hand, I am
glad that it works this way. I am saying it because, for instance, in
Brazil they have a different model for domain proprietorship. In fact,
the domain MSX.COM.BR is blocked by the REGISTRO.BR (the only entity
that controls the domain registration in Brazil), and no one can
register it unless the registrant present very specific (and almost
impossible to obtain) documents, including (but not limited to): name
patent and exclusive name copyrights for a company that MUST be called
MSX. Until that happens, the domain will be blocked and "unregistrable"

What may have happened to block this domain, you may ask? Well, the
REGOSTRO.BR is one of the most outdated and stupid managed companies in
the entire planet. Those guys don't know the first thing about anything,
and are the dumbest bureaucrats you will ever find in history. The
aforementioned domain was blocked after more than one person/company
have presented interest in registering it yet in the 90's. Simple as
that! What about "first come, first served" rule? Well, REGISTRO.BR
seems to ignore it (as they ignore so many other natural "common sense"
internet business standards)!

Because of situations like those that I say: even being unfair
sometimes, I rather have the model of business when you still may have a
chance to obtain the domain you want (even if it becomes expensive),
than having to deal with stupid, obsolete and dictatorship companies
such as REGISTRO.BR.

In regards to the MSX.COM, we will have to wait to see its fate. Lets
hope for the best! ;)

Best Regards.

Julio Marchi
The MSX-ALL Team Coordinator

On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 11:03:33 -0700, "Filip H.F. Slagter"
<> wrote:
> On 26 September 2010 12:42, Julio Marchi <> wrote:
>> Nevertheless, in a second thought, would be very nice to have a TLD
>> "MSX", wouldn't it? Sadly, I don't think ICANN will ever release it for
>> us. :P
> Actually, ICANN is considering opening up the registrations for gTLDs
> as well:
> Though you'd need enough money and experience/manpower/resources to
> maintain the required infrastructure for it ;-)
> Speaking of which btw, MSX.COM got sold the 23rd of September for
> 5.900 EUR. I wonder who the winning bidder was. I'm afraid it's
> purchased just for the sake of reselling it though..
> with kind regards,
> Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter
> former MSX-Xpress & MSX Affiliates Forum.
>> Thank you for pointing my mistake, then. ;)
>> Best Regards.
>> Julio Marchi
>> On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 10:40:17 +0200, "Filip H.F. Slagter"
>> <> wrote:
>>>> the site can be hosted under the as a subdomain. If needed,
>>>> TLDs (Top Level Domains) are available, starting at US$ 12.00 per
> year.
>>> Oh, in that case I'd like the TLD .msx ;-) Though I guess you mean
>>> second-level domains ending in an existing TLD ;-).
>>> </nitpick>
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