
The answer you all provided for my last question was very helpful.

I'm still trying to compile a program in msys2.
In the MINGW64 environment, configure passes and it compiles.
In the MINGW32 environment, configure fails, complaining about missing
libxml2. But, the conftest.exe that is built to test for libxml is
linked to libxml2:

$ ldd conftest.exe | grep libxml2
        libxml2-2.dll => /mingw32/bin/libxml2-2.dll (0x71140000)

Digging around I found another problem with conftest.exe:

$ ldd conftest.exe | grep zlib
        zlib1.dll => /c/Windows/system32/zlib1.dll (0x10000000)

There are two problems with zlib1.dll:

1. /c/Windows/system32/zlib1.dll DOES NOT EXIST on my system. I found
the DLL instead at /c/Windows/SysWOW64/zlib1.dll
2. That library shouldn't have been linked. It should have linked to

Any ideas on what is wrong, or what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you,


P.S. Bigger question: You ask why am I building on both 32-bit and
64-bit environments? Because the MINGW64 version fails at runtime in a
strange way, and I wanted to try a 32-bit build to see if I could learn
something more about why that happens.

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