Hall Alex,				19/11/02

At 11:42 +0100 17/11/02, alex barth wrote:
Thursday, November 14, 2002, 9:33:53 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello!          14/11/02

 At 12:49 +0100 13/11/02, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:

This is a very general question on terminology. What's the difference
between "cross-lingual" and "trans-lingual"?

 I would say they are almost synonymous.
 If you want desperately to separate the meanings, the following can help.

 The prefix "cross" comes from "crux" in Latin. It implies the notion
 that at least 2 lines are crossing each other, the 2 being equal.

 The prefix "trans-" also comes from Latin and implies a passage
 through a limit, that is, only 2 lines crossing each other, with one
 passive and the other active.

 In current English usage, both can mean a passage through something:
 in English, you say "cross the street", while in French and German
 you don't say "croiser la rue" or "die Straße kreuzen", but
 "traverserŠ" and "Šdurchqueren".
die Straße überqueren!
Interessant und richtig.

Das WB "Deutsch-Franzoesisch" von Gisela Liebold und Harald Liebold
(VEB Verlag, Leipzig, 1986) gibt zwar (S. 98) : "durchqueren ->
traverser" und  (S. 409) "ueberqueren -> traverser"Š aber durchqueren
heißt eigentlich "traverser" mit der Meinung von "parcourir" (das
Land durchqueren).

In any case, my idea was to point out that French or German don't use
"croix-" or "kreuz-" as a possible prefix for this meaning.
Howevever, the fact that German has 2 possibilities and French 1 only
is interesting per se.

 Hence, we might say that
 - translingual can mean "from one language to another"
 - crosslingual can mean "between all languages considered"

 In other words, a translingual system for languages L1ŠLn would not
 have to offer a direct passage from any Li to any Lj, a crosslingual
 system would.
Would you agree with that?


Christian Boitet
(Pr. Universite' Joseph Fourier)         Tel: +33.4-7651-4355/4817
GETA, CLIPS, IMAG-campus, BP53           Fax: +33.4-7651-4405
385, rue de la Bibliothe`que             Mel: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France           Mobile:  +33-(0)6-6005-1969
Serveurs de dictionnaires: projet SILFIDE (http://silfide.imag.fr) et
plus particulièrement français-malais
Projet C-STAR (http://www.c-star.org/) et projet europe'en
        Nespole (http://nespole.itc.it) de traduction de parole
Projet UNL de communication et recherche d'information multilingue sur le
        re'seau http://www.unl.ias.unu.edu ou http://www.undl.org,
Projet PAPILLON de construction coopérative d'une base lexicale
multilingue et de construction de dictionnaires

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