ACL 2017 Student Research Workshop (SRW)


The Student Research Workshop (SRW) will be held in conjunction with ACL 2017 in Vancouver, Canada.

Main Conference: July 30 -⁠ August 4, 2017
Paper Submission Deadline:  April 21, 2017

I. General Invitation for Submissions

The ACL 2017 Student Research Workshop (SRW) provides a forum for student researchers who are investigating various areas related to Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. The workshop provides an excellent opportunity for student participants to present their work and receive valuable feedback from the international research community as well as from selected panelists - experienced researchers, specifically assigned according to the topic of their work, who will prepare in-depth comments and questions in advance of the presentation. The workshop's goal is to aid students at multiple stages of their education: from those in the final stages of undergraduate training to those active with graduate thesis research.

The SRW invites two types of submissions:

* Research Papers: completed work or work-in-progress along with preliminary results. We encourage submissions from Ph.D students, as well as Masters or advanced undergraduate students.

* Research Proposals: for advanced Masters and Ph.D. students who have decided on a thesis topic and are interested in feedback about their proposal and ideas about future directions for their work.

This year we provide two mentoring programs:

* Pre-submission Mentoring: the goal is to improve presentation of the student's work, not to critique the work itself. Mentors will provide feedback in the format of guidelines and suggestions to improve the overall writing.

* Mentoring for Accepted Papers: mentors will be responsible for providing feedback to students and preparing in-depth comments and questions prior to the workshop presentation.

The SRW invites papers on topics related to computational linguistics, including but not limited to:

Cognitive modeling and psycholinguistics
Corpus development and evaluation
Dialog and interactive systems
Discourse and pragmatics
Document analysis including text categorization, topic models, and retrieval
Natural language generation
Information extraction, text mining, and question answering
Language-⁠inclusive multimodal integration
Linguistic theories for NLP
Low-⁠resource or endangered languages
Machine learning
Machine translation
Mathematical models of language
Phonology, morphology, and word segmentation
Resources and evaluation
Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
Social media: Twitter, blogs, discussion forums, and other social media
Speech, prosody, and spoken dialog
Tagging, chunking, syntax, and parsing
Vision, robots, and other grounding applications

II. Submission Guidelines

A) Submission Requirements

1. Research Proposals may contain previously published work and must include specific research directions. They may also be in the style of a position paper that surveys and critiques existing literature, but must suggest future research directions. Proposals may only have one author, who must be a student.

2. Research Papers must describe original completed work or work in progress. Since the main purpose of presenting at the workshop is to exchange ideas with other researchers and to receive helpful feedback for further development of the work, papers should clearly indicate directions for future research wherever appropriate. The first author of multi-author papers must be a student, but additional co-authors need not be students. Research Papers are eligible for this workshop only if they have not been presented at any other meeting with publicly available published proceedings. Students who have already presented at a past ACL/EACL/NAACL Student Research Workshop may not submit to this track as a first author (though they may still be a co-author, or the first author of a Research Proposal). These students are instead encouraged to submit their work to the main conference or to the Research Proposal track. During submission, students must clearly indicate whether a paper has been submitted to another conference or workshop. One student can only submit one paper to the Research Papers track as a first author.

B) Submission Procedure

Paper drafts for pre-submission mentoring should be sent in PDF format to by February 15. Note: pre-submission mentoring is not anonymous. The mentor will not review the final submission. Papers sent for pre-submission mentoring but not submitted via the electronic system (see the instructions below) by April 21, will not be reviewed.

Final submissions to the ACL 2017 Student Research Workshop must follow the standard two-column format of the ACL 2017 proceedings and they must be submitted as a PDF file. Authors should use the style files from the conference web site (

All submissions are limited to 5 pages for content, with any number of additional pages allowed for references. Upon acceptance, authors will be allowed 1 additional page of content in order to incorporate suggestions from the reviewers.

The deadline for submission is 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time on April 21. Submission will be electronic using the paper submission web page:


C) Multiple-⁠Submission Policy

Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications must indicate this at submission time. Authors of papers accepted for presentation at ACL SRW 2017 must notify the program chairs whether the paper will be presented. All accepted papers must be presented at the workshop in order for them to appear in the proceedings. We will not accept papers that overlap significantly in content or results with papers that will be (or have been) published elsewhere. Double submissions to the ACL main conference and the Student Research Workshop are not allowed. In the case of two different submissions, the authors must ensure that these submissions do not overlap significantly (> 50%) with each other in content or results.

D) Reviewing Procedure

The reviewing of the papers will be double-blind, so submission should not contain author information or self-identifying citations. Reviewing will be managed by the Student Workshop Co-Chairs and a team of reviewers on the Program Committee. Each submission will be matched with a mixed panel of student and senior researchers for review. The final acceptance decision will be based on the results of the review.

III. Important Dates

-⁠ Pre-⁠submission mentoring deadline: February 15, 2017
-⁠ Pre-⁠submission mentoring feedback: March 7, 2017
-⁠ Submission deadline: April 21, 2017
-⁠ Notification of acceptance: May 12, 2017
-⁠ Camera-⁠ready submission deadline: May 24, 2017
-⁠ Travel grant application deadline: June 20, 2017
-⁠ Travel grant notification: June 25, 2017
-⁠ ACL conference dates: July 30 -⁠ August 4, 2017

The workshop will be held during the main conference, in a mode similar to the conference's regular sessions.

All deadlines are 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time.

IV. Travel Support

There will be a limited amount of travel support and/or additional funding to cover expenses. More information will be made available.

V. Student Research Workshop Committee

Student Chairs:
-⁠Allyson Ettinger, University of Maryland
-⁠Spandana Gella, University of Edinburgh
-⁠Matthieu Labeau, LIMSI-⁠CNRS

Faculty Advisors:
-⁠Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm, Rochester Institute of Technology
-⁠Marine Carpuat, University of Maryland
-⁠Mark Dredze, Johns Hopkins University

VI. Contact

Website           :
E-⁠mail              :
Mt-list site list

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