*** WMT 2017 - Shared Task on Machine Translation Quality Estimation ***

We invite participants in this challenge which is part the of Second
Conference on Machine Translation - WMT17 shared tasks. This challenge
comprises tasks on predicting the quality of the output of Machine
Translation (MT) systems at various levels of granularity: word, phrase and

The test sets have been released for all tracks. Participants can join on
or multiple tasks.

WMT17 will be co-located with EMNLP 2017 in Copenhagen, September 7-11.

Check the website for more details:

Important dates :

Release of test data ………... 13 April 2017
Results submission ......…….. 9 May 2017
Paper submission …………... 2 June 2017 (optional)
Notification …………………... 30 June 2017
Camera-ready deadline …….  14 July 2017
Conference ……………………. 7-8 September 2017

Lucia Specia on behalf of the organisation committee
www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~lucia/ <http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/%7Elucia/>
Mt-list site list

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