Dear all,

as announced earlier today during the EAMT 2017, a team from the ADAPT
Centre at Dublin City University has recently launched a survey about the
participation in and organisation of shared tasks in NLP. This is a follow
up of a paper we published about ethical considerations on shared tasks
<> and the ultimate aim is to
learn from each other and share this knowledge with the NLP community. The
survey has been approved by the Research Ethics Committee at DCU.

As researchers and experts in the MT field, many of you will have
participated and/or organised some of the yearly WMT shared tasks. MT is
precisely a field in which shared tasks are very well established and
popular. It doesn't matter what position you held, all opinions are equally
valuable and the survey is 100% anonymous. *What we really need is your

This is the time to share your experience and help other researchers in
NLP. Have your say!

Feel free to also share the link with your colleagues from other centres
and institutions, the more the merrier!

You will also find us on Twitter under the user name @STaskSurvey
<> and the hashtag #STaskSurvey ;-)

Thanks a million!

Carla Parra Escartín - ADAPT Centre / SALIS, Dublin City University
Teresa Lynn - ADAPT Centre / School of Computing, Dublin City University
Joss Moorkens - ADAPT Centre / SALIS, Dublin City University

(With the support of Wessel Reijers, Andy Way and Chao-Hong Liu, who
co-authored the paper that originated this!)
*Carla Parra Escartín* | Postdoctoral Researcher
ADAPT Centre
SALIS p: +353 (0) 1 700 5385
Dublin City University e:
Dublin 9

*A World Leading SFI Research Centre*
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