Call for Papers

Second Workshop on Multi-Language Processing in a Globalising World
(MLP 2018)


*May 7th, 2018, Miyazaki, Japan*

(Workshop Website: <>)

The Second Workshop on Multi-Language Processing in a Globalising World (MLP 2018), will be co-located with LREC 2018 ( <>) in Miyazaki, Japan on May 7th, 2018. It is a successive workshop of the MLP 2017 which took place in Dublin, Ireland on 4-5 September 2017 ( <>).

Globalisation has, on the one hand, brought us significant growth in international trade and cross-cultural communication, as well as access to newly-developed technologies, media, education, healthcare, consumer goods, etc. On the other hand, it may, for example, result in cultural homogenisation, thus affecting local societies. To embrace the cultural diversity and multilingual phenomena, experts with research interests in different languages are invited to participate in this workshop. This international workshop will serve as a knowledge exchange platform to bring computational linguistics and natural language processing researchers together, in order to discuss the current trends and practices and future directions of research in multilinguality and minority language processing in this globalising world.

The workshop aims to provide a research forum dedicated to state-of-the-art methods and techniques on multi-language and cross-language processing, and to explore the use of such technologies in specific tasks. The workshop will solicit original and ongoing research contributions related to the theme, which include but are not limited to:

●Theoretical and applied linguistic research on multilinguality and minority language processing

●Text encoding theory and transcoding techniques

●Resource construction, such as multilingual corpora and corpora for minority languages

●Speech, lexical, syntactic, semantic analytics for multiple languages or minority languages

●Cross-language adaptation for natural language processing

●Multi-language, cross-language and minority language processing methods and applications in machine translation, speech recognition, information retrieval etc.

●Evaluation metrics for multi-language, cross-language and minority language processing

●Multi-language, cross-language and minority language processing for social media and user generated content

●Deep learning and expressions for multi-language processing

●Minority languages in emergency responses and security/disaster management

●Multi-language or cross-language named entity recognition, entity relation extraction and event extraction

●Multi-language or cross-language linked data or knowledge graph

●Multi-language or cross-language anaphora resolution and discourse analysis

●Multi-language or cross-language sentiment analysis

●Multi-language or cross-language text classification and generation

●Transliteration and machine translation

The working language of the Workshop is English. Full paper submissions must be written and delivered in English. Submissions should describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished work and have a clear focus on specific issues pertaining to multi-language processing or cross-language processing, including minority language processing. Descriptions of commercial systems are welcome, provided that the authors are willing to discuss the details of their work. Full papers should be between 4-8 pages in length.

The following headings are recommended in the submission but it is not mandatory:


●Related Work

●Methods Proposed

●Results and analysis

●Conclusion and future work

Authors are requested to format their submitted paper(s) according to the guidelines specified in LREC2018 style sheet ( <>). Paper submission: <>.

           *LREC 2018 HIGHLIGHT*

           *Identify, Describe and Share your LRs!*

Describing your LRs in the LRE Map is now a normal practice in the submission procedure of LREC (introduced in 2010 and adopted by other conferences).

To continue the efforts initiated at LREC 2014 about “Sharing LRs” (data, tools, web-services, etc.), authors will have the possibility, when submitting a paper, to upload LRs in a special LREC repository. This effort of sharing LRs, linked to the LRE Map for their description, may become a new “regular” feature for conferences in our field, thus contributing to creating a common repository where everyone can deposit and share data.

As scientific work requires accurate citations of referenced work so as to allow the community to understand the whole context and also replicate the experiments conducted by other researchers, LREC 2016 endorses the need to uniquely identify LRs through the use of the International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN, <>), a Persistent Unique Identifier to be assigned to each Language Resource. The assignment of ISLRNs to LRs cited in LREC papers will be offered at submission time.**

*Important Dates:*

Full Paper Submission:                  15 January 2018

Notification of Acceptance:            10 February 2018

Final Manuscript Submission:      28 February 2018

Early Registration: (same as LREC 2018)

Conference: 7 May 2018 (morning session)


Workshop Chair: Prof. Qun Liu (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland)

Program Committee Chair: Prof. Isahara Hitoshi (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan)

Workshop Organisation Chair: Dr. Jinhua Du (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland)

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